

wiki[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

=== 正式版(2016年4月起)===
1.0版(建號 Vivaldi 1.0.435.42)<ref name="f1">{{URL||Vivaldi 1.0: Not for everybody, just you}}</ref>2016年4月7日發布。1.1版(建號1.1.453.47),4月26日發布。1.2版(建號 1.2.490.39),2016年6月2日發布。1.3版(建號1.3.551.30)8月11日發布。1.4版(建號1.4.589.11)9月8日發布。1.5版,11月22日發布。1.6版,2016年12月發布。1.7版,2017年2月發布。1.8版,2017年3月發布。


{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" |Vivaldi 瀏覽器特性紀錄
! 版本 !! 日期 !! 特性
! colspan="3" |技術預覽版
|技術預覽 1 版 || 2015 年 1 月 27 日 || 
* 分頁群組 <ref name="Vivaldi-launches-its-first-beta">{{cite web|title= Vivaldi launches its first beta|date= 2015-11-03|language= en|author= Tatsuki Tomita|url=}}</ref>
* 筆記
* 快速撥號
* 書籤管理器
* 下載管理器
* 快捷指令
* 滑鼠手勢
* 頁面動作
* 面板
* 彩色化分頁
* 可視化分頁
* 最近關閉的分頁
* 鍵盤快速鍵
|技術預覽 2 版 || 2015 年 3 月 5 日 || 
* 書籤列
* 圖片按需加載
* 快進/快退
* 空間導航
|技術預覽 3 版 || 2015 年 4 月 28 日 || 
* 分頁平鋪
* 未讀頁面標記
* 原生視窗
* 自動更新
* 個人資料匯入
* 按需載入外掛模組
* 背景分頁載入指示
|技術預覽 4 版 || 2015 年 7 月 16 日 || 
* 啟動設定
* 色彩方案
* 使用者介面縮放
* [[HiDPI]] 支援
* 分頁鎖定
* 工作管理員
! colspan="3" |公測版
|公測 1 版 || 2015 年 11 月 3 日 || 
* 網頁面板
* 無邊框介面
* 分頁可視化導航
* 無痕視窗
* 頁面載入進度指示
* 鍵入歷史紀錄
* 平滑捲動
* 地理資訊支援
* HTML5 h.264, AAC 及 MP3 支援
* 完整的延伸套件支援
|公測 2 版 || 2015 年 12 月 17 日 || 
* 快速關閉分頁
* 書籤及筆記垃圾桶
* 隱藏面板
* 分頁靜音
* HTML5 通知
* 全局字體設定
* 預設字元編碼設定
* 跨視窗移動分頁
|公測 3 版 || 2016 年 3 月 4 日 || 
* 書籤匯出
* 介面縮放
* 頁面全局/獨立縮放設定
* 雙擊關閉分頁
* 多彩分頁設定
* 分頁管理
* 瀏覽頁組管理
* 分頁休眠
* CSS 調試器
!  colspan="3" |正式版
|1.0 || 2016 年 4 月 8 日 || 
* 搜尋建議
* 歡迎頁面
* 分頁最小化
|1.1 || 2016 年 4 月 26 日 || 
* 按住 Alt(⌥)+滑鼠左鍵單擊關閉其他分頁
* 在當前分頁群組開啟連結
* 分頁關閉啟用設定
* 從 Opera 12 匯入快速撥號
* 分頁群組休眠
|1.2 || 2016 年 6 月 2 日 || 
* 自定義滑鼠手勢
* 新增分頁開啟頁面設定
* 關閉多個選中的分頁
* 位址欄新分頁開啟快速鍵設定
* 獨立的分頁縮放
|1.3 || 2016 年 8 月 11 日 || 
* 自定義多彩主題
* 主題編輯支援顏色編輯器
* WebRTC IP 處理設定
* 增強滑鼠手勢
* 加強隱私控制
* 修正中文輸入法相容問題
|1.4 || 2016 年 9 月 8 日 || 
* 主題排程
* 網頁面板支援獨立的寬度設定
* 中鍵單擊垃圾桶恢復被關閉的分頁
|1.5 || 2016年11月21日 || 
* 可於筆記追加截圖
* [[飛利浦]]Hue lighting system 集成
* 從網址列進入閱讀模式
* 支援[[Chromecast]]
* 從選取文字進行搜尋
|1.6 || 2016年12月15日 || 
* Tab通知<ref>{{cite web|title= Details matter. Vivaldi 1.6 is ready|date= 2016-12-15|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
* <kbd>Ctrl / ⌘</kbd>+[[滑鼠]]連點2次分頁,會一併強調相同網站的分頁
* 允許重新命名分頁堆疊
* 於地址欄輸入<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Enter</kbd> 跳轉至[[主機名稱]]

|1.7 || 2017年02月08日 ||
* 新增網頁截圖按鈕 <ref>{{cite web|title= Seize the moment with Vivaldi 1.7|date= 2017-02-08|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
* 休眠分頁
* 支援原生地MacOS通知
* Addition of StartPage private search engine
* Configurable top-level domain expansion.
* 網址列中,可以設定擴充功能是否可見
* 針對中文、日文、韓文使用者,加強 Windows/Linux 版本的鍵盤目錄

|1.8 || 2017年04月04日 || 
* <ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.8 |date= 2017-04-04|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>
* 修正 Linux 版的 .desktop 檔編碼問題
* 補足[[挪威語]]譯文
* 更新[[Chromium]]版本至57.0.2987.138
* 修正無痕視窗中,右鍵選單的bug <ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.8 – Privacy fix|date= 2017-04-10|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>

|1.9 || 2017年04月27日 || 
* 默認搜尋引擎清單追加[[Ecosia]]<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi 1.9 – Plant trees as you browse|date= 2017-04-27|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
* 擴充功能可自由排序
* 筆記可自由排序
* 可依網站過濾歷史紀錄
* 網頁面板追加刪除功能
* 在多數國家的版本中,改以[[雅虎]]作為默認搜尋引擎
* 允許在搜尋引擎設定中,將其設置為以[[HTTP#請求方法|POST]]進行搜尋
* 移除診斷回報功能<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.9|date= 2017-05-10|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>

|1.10 || 2017年06月15日 || 
* 更新開始頁<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi powers up the Start Page and adds docked Dev Tools|date= 2017-06-15|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
** 快速撥號的縮圖可更改為使用者自訂圖片
** 快速撥號的資料夾可更改為使用者自訂圖片
** 快速撥號增加至12列
* 開發者工具可至於螢幕的底部或兩側
* 新增關閉網址列下拉列表中的書籤和輸入歷史記錄的選項
* Windows 8和以上的版本中,可以以桌面背景當作開始頁的背景

<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.10|date= 2017-06-23|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.10|date= 2017-07-07|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.10|date= 2017-07-12|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>

|1.11 || 2017年08月10日 || 
* 可自定義閱讀器模式<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi 1.11 – Focus on accessibility|date= 2017-08-10|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
* 滑鼠手勢的靈敏度設定
* 可藉由設定來禁用GIF動畫
* 快速撥號功能的設定
* 更新Vivaldi的[[圖示]]<ref>{{cite web|title= Why the new Vivaldi icon? Here’s why.|date= 2017-08-14|language= en|author= Atle Mo|url=}}</ref>和Windows安裝程式背景
* 更新 Chromium至60.0.3112.105<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.11|date= 2017-08-22|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>

|1.12 || 2017年09月20日 || 
* 新增瀏覽圖片屬性的功能<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi 1.12 – Giving you the browser you want|date= 2017-09-20|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
* 可檢視下載的檔案的詳細資料
* 下載頁可依檔案類型排序
* 可自定義顏色的飽和度
* 修正在EmailOnDeck網站上的崩壞問題<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.12|date= 2017-09-28|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
* 修正Vivaldi在崩壞後無法重新啟動的問題<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.12 – Crash fix|date= 2017-10-30|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>

|1.13 || 2017年11月22日 || 
* 追加 Windows 面板,可用以管理分頁<ref>{{cite web|title= You asked, we implemented: better downloads in 1.13|date= 2017-11-22|language= en|author= Olga Apostolova|url=}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi 1.13 adds Window Panel, improves Downloads and brings under-the-hood enhancements|date= 2017-11-22|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
* 下載完成前關閉瀏覽器時的警告視窗
* 能夠暫停和恢復下載
* 下載速度顯示在下載進度條中
* 更新搜尋引擎圖示
|1.14 || 2018年01月31日 || 
* 直行閱讀模式<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi 1.14 Linux, delayed autoupdate|date= 2018-01-31|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>
* 筆記支援 [[Markdown]] 格式
* 網頁面板排序
* 搜尋引擎排序
* 於地址欄輸入<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Enter</kbd> 跳轉至[[主機名稱]]
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.14|date= 2018-02-06|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>
* External links open in popup windows instead of the main browser window
* Mac版 Vivaldi Update results in no permissions for all but owner
* Linux版 Pinned icon (GNOME favorites) does not start Vivaldi (VB-36741)
* 更新[[Chromium]]版本至 64.0.3282.143

JSON[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

[{"author":"Tatsuki Tomita","date":"2015-11-03T05:13:55+00:00","url":"","title":"Vivaldi launches its first beta","lang":"en"},{"author":"Jon von Tetzchner","date":"2016-12-15T05:00:00+00:00","url":"","title":"Details matter. Vivaldi 1.6 is ready","lang":"en"},{"author":"Jon von Tetzchner","date":"2017-02-08T09:00:36+00:00","url":"","title":"Seize the moment with Vivaldi 1.7","lang":"en"},{"author":"Ruarí Ødegaard","date":"2017-04-10T15:59:16+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.8 – Privacy fix","lang":"en"},{"author":"Jon von Tetzchner","date":"2017-04-27T09:00:42+00:00","url":"","title":"Vivaldi 1.9 – Plant trees as you browse","lang":"en"},{"author":"Maria Popova","date":"2017-05-10T13:09:00+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.9","lang":"en"},{"author":"Maria Popova","date":"2017-05-16T10:56:42+00:00","url":"","title":"A Second Minor update to Vivaldi 1.9","lang":"en"},{"author":"Maria Popova","date":"2017-05-16T10:56:42+00:00","url":"","title":"A Second Minor update to Vivaldi 1.9","lang":"en"},{"author":"Jon von Tetzchner","date":"2017-06-15T09:00:04+00:00","url":"","title":"Vivaldi powers up the Start Page and adds docked Dev Tools","lang":"en"},{"author":"Maria Popova","date":"2017-06-22T20:06:15+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.10","lang":"en"},{"author":"Maria Popova","date":"2017-07-06T18:58:52+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.10","lang":"en"},{"author":"Maria Popova","date":"2017-07-12T15:06:36+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.10","lang":"en"},{"author":"Jon von Tetzchner","date":"2017-08-10T09:00:43+00:00","url":"","title":"Vivaldi 1.11 – Focus on accessibility","lang":"en"},{"author":"Atle Mo","date":"2017-08-14T12:59:00+00:00","url":"","title":"Why the new Vivaldi icon? Here’s why.","lang":"en"},{"author":"Maria Popova","date":"2017-08-22T11:38:24+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.11","lang":"en"},{"author":"Jon von Tetzchner","date":"2017-09-20T09:00:43+00:00","url":"","title":"Vivaldi 1.12 – Giving you the browser you want","lang":"en"},{"author":"Maria Popova","date":"2017-09-28T11:00:16+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.12","lang":"en"},{"author":"Maria Popova","date":"2017-10-26T14:01:59+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.12","lang":"en"},{"author":"Ruarí Ødegaard","date":"2017-10-30T13:11:25+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.12 – Crash fix","lang":"en"},{"author":"Jon von Tetzchner","date":"2017-11-22T09:00:37+00:00","url":"","title":"Vivaldi 1.13 adds Window Panel, improves Downloads and brings under-the-hood enhancements","lang":"en"},{"author":"Olga Apostolova","date":"2017-11-22T11:59:45+00:00","url":"","title":"You asked, we implemented: better downloads in 1.13","lang":"en"},{"author":"Maria Popova","date":"2017-12-12T13:57:20+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.13","lang":"en"},{"author":"Ruarí Ødegaard","date":"2017-12-22T12:11:57+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.13","lang":"en"},{"author":"Ruarí Ødegaard","date":"2018-01-19T16:16:43+00:00","url":"","title":"Release Candidate for a minor update to Vivaldi 1.13","lang":"en"},{"author":"Ruarí Ødegaard","date":"2018-01-22T11:05:53+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.13 (Spectre fixes)","lang":"en"},{"author":"Ruarí Ødegaard","date":"2018-01-31T08:57:49+00:00","url":"","title":"Vivaldi 1.14 Linux, delayed autoupdate","lang":"en"},{"author":"Jon von Tetzchner","date":"2018-01-31T09:00:19+00:00","url":"","title":"Vivaldi 1.14 – Three years of continuous innovation","lang":"en"},{"author":"Ruarí Ødegaard","date":"2018-02-06T14:02:36+00:00","url":"","title":"Minor update to Vivaldi 1.14","lang":"en"}]

ref[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi launches its first beta|date= 2015-11-03|language= en|author= Tatsuki Tomita|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Details matter. Vivaldi 1.6 is ready|date= 2016-12-15|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Seize the moment with Vivaldi 1.7|date= 2017-02-08|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.8 – Privacy fix|date= 2017-04-10|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi 1.9 – Plant trees as you browse|date= 2017-04-27|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.9|date= 2017-05-10|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= A Second Minor update to Vivaldi 1.9|date= 2017-05-16|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= A Second Minor update to Vivaldi 1.9|date= 2017-05-16|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi powers up the Start Page and adds docked Dev Tools|date= 2017-06-15|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.10|date= 2017-06-23|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.10|date= 2017-07-07|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.10|date= 2017-07-12|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi 1.11 – Focus on accessibility|date= 2017-08-10|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Why the new Vivaldi icon? Here’s why.|date= 2017-08-14|language= en|author= Atle Mo|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.11|date= 2017-08-22|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi 1.12 – Giving you the browser you want|date= 2017-09-20|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.12|date= 2017-09-28|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.12|date= 2017-10-26|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.12 – Crash fix|date= 2017-10-30|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi 1.13 adds Window Panel, improves Downloads and brings under-the-hood enhancements|date= 2017-11-22|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= You asked, we implemented: better downloads in 1.13|date= 2017-11-22|language= en|author= Olga Apostolova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.13|date= 2017-12-12|language= en|author= Maria Popova|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.13|date= 2017-12-22|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Release Candidate for a minor update to Vivaldi 1.13|date= 2018-01-20|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.13 (Spectre fixes)|date= 2018-01-22|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi 1.14 Linux, delayed autoupdate|date= 2018-01-31|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Vivaldi 1.14 – Three years of continuous innovation|date= 2018-01-31|language= en|author= Jon von Tetzchner|url=}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title= Minor update to Vivaldi 1.14|date= 2018-02-06|language= en|author= Ruarí Ødegaard|url=}}</ref>